Pickleball: Spring 2020


Event Phone: 204-987-8850

Players from Winter Session must sign up in their current group. If one did not register for the Winter Session, the player must sign up in the Novice group.

If you wish to play in a different time slot, please
email me at samantha@stjamescentre.com; if there is room players will be
moved at the discretion of the Centre if openings exist in
the time slot they requested. Note however that each time slot will be
capped at 32 players.

For the April to June session, the cost for Pickleball is unchanged at
$45 for all current members of the St. James Assiniboia 55+ Centre. (Annual
Centre membership is $40).

  • Sturgeon Heights Community Centre
    April 6, 2020 - June 26, 2020
    10:00 am - 4:00 pm