January 25, 2022 Update

The St. James Centre is looking for qualified, caring people to join its Board of Directors. 


Who We Are


Current News


We continue to keep you updated through our Website, Facebook, Twitter and eBlasts.

Keep an eye on our social media and newsletters for in-person and virtual programming. Thank you for your continued support of the St. James Assiniboia 55+ Centre.



Our Mission

St. James Assiniboia 55+ Centre
Culture Statement
"To encourage older adults to improve their quality of life by providing educational, recreational, health and social opportunities."
Fostering a Culture of Caring:
As a community that cares about the people we serve and its mission we recognize that it is important to talk about what we believe. Outlining key points of what we want to be for and to each other gives all of us direction and important marker points that help us understand the culture of caring that we want to intentionally promote here at the St. James Assiniboia 55+ Centre.
As a result we at the St. James Assiniboia 55+ Centre:
1. Recognize that our people (members, staff, volunteers, guests) are coming from a variety of different backgrounds and experiences and we intentionally make room for all. 2. Commit to treating each other with kindness and respect. Standing up for others when we see them being mistreated and helping each other when needed. 3. Realize that differences sometimes lead to conflict but as these conflicts take place we will: a. Address our issues and concerns directly with the source in a kind way seeking mutual understanding and respect of differences all the while looking for middle ground. b. Refrain from talking/gossiping with others about our conflicts c. Seek help from staff when we feel advice is needed or the situation requires 3rd party help and/or intervention Our commitment to support and care for each other is at the very heart of our mission and cornerstone of the kind of people we want to be to each other. Just as schools today do not tolerate the mistreatment and bullying of others we too will not allow other members, staff or volunteers to be treated with disrespect. Anyone who is unable to follow the above guidelines will be given the opportunity to correct their behavior but failure to follow through will result in termination of membership.

Our Funding Partners

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority
Manitoba Association of Senior Centres
Winnipeg Foundation
Manitoba Community Services Council

Our Sponsors

Assiniboine Pharmacy
Chapel Lawn Funeral Home
Team Brown